young woman showing off her cute smileIf you follow any celebrities on social media or browse through magazines while you’re at the store, you’ve likely come across some of the whitest smiles you’ve ever seen. If you’re wondering how celebrities get their teeth so white, you’re not alone. Many of our patients visit us wanting the same glowing celebrity smile on their own set of teeth.

If you’re wondering how Palencia Dental can help you achieve a beautiful white celebrity smile, keep reading.

Oral Hygiene

Believe it or not, but one of the best ways to achieve the whitest smile of your dreams is first by getting your oral hygiene in check. If you aren’t brushing and floss effectively, it can leave stains on your smile not to mention cause cavities and lots of other dental problems. Start your journey to a whiter smile by brushing and flossing at least twice per day effectively. If you want to take it up a notch, invest in an electric toothbrush to enhance your effort. In addition to your home-care regimen, you should also visit us twice a year for professional cleanings which can help remove surface stains in addition to plaque and tartar.

Tooth Whitening

If your oral hygiene is in tip-top shape, your next step is professional teeth whitening. At our dental office, we can give you a whiter smile in just under an hour. We use Zoom! in-office teeth whitening to deliver amazing results. Zoom! uses a professional-strength whitening gel and an activated light to brighten your smile up to 12 shades. Your new smile will last for months to come! If you’re in a hurry for a whiter smile, professional teeth whitening is the best solution for you.

Porcelain Veneers

If you hate the idea of visiting us for a whitening treatment once per year and perhaps have some minor imperfections like chipped teeth you want to take care of, porcelain veneers might be a better option. Some patients also may experience stains that don’t respond to professional whitening. In these cases, porcelain veneers are a good solution. Dr. Kinsey will create thin porcelain shells colored to any shade of white you desire and any shape that will enhance your smile. Dr. Kinsey bonds these shells over the front of your teeth to deliver a perfect smile! You don’t have to worry about your teeth becoming stained again because veneers can’t stain. Look forward to years of a beautiful white smile before you need to replace your veneers.

Are you ready to get the white smile you’ve always wanted? Contact our St. Augustine dental office to get a smile as white as celebrities. Schedule an appointment by calling (904) 826-4343 today.