Do you have crooked, misaligned, or out-of-place teeth? Have you noticed discomfort while biting, chewing, or talking? If you experience any of these issues, then it’s time to get braces and regain your confidence.

However, you may wonder how wearing braces as an adult could ever help you gain your confidence back. We get it. The traditional braces might have been trendy in middle school. But, now, you’d rather not show off your pink and teal rubber bands. Don’t fret — here at Palencia Dental, we can make custom-fit, invisible braces that your friends won’t even notice.

Let’s Talk About Invisible Braces

young woman holding up her Invisalign clear braces while smiling

Dr. Kinsey uses Invisalign invisible braces for all of her patients who prefer not to use the metal variety. With Invisalign, you will progress through different levels of clear trays that realign your teeth. This method works just as well as metal braces, however, you can take them out for eating, drinking, and brushing your teeth. 

For pictures, your clear Invisalign braces won’t show up at all. In fact, your teeth might even appear shinier and more spectacular. Though we don’t recommend it, Invisalign braces can even be removed for — very short-term — special occasions! 

How Does Invisalign Work?

By now, we are all familiar with the horror stories of metal braces. The pulling and tightening, gum stuck in odd places, and, of course, the “lip-locking” stories that were commonly thrown around in teenage days. Fortunately, you can bypass the metal braces for the comfortable, good-looking clear braces.

The process begins very much like metal braces. First, Dr. Kinsey will take 3D images of your teeth and create custom aligners with our advanced technology. Next, we develop a program based on how many aligners you need. Every two weeks for about a year, you will switch to your next set of aligners. Each new set of aligners works to gradually reposition your teeth so your smile comes out beautiful and your bite works perfectly. 

Your Dentist for Invisalign Braces in St. Augustine

Here at Palencia Dental, we understand that you want to perfect your smile. Additionally, we understand not wanting to have metal braces as an adult. If you need to fix overcrowding, crossbite, overbite, underbite, or gaps, we can help. Additionally, invisible braces can perfect your smile while still looking your best. Give us a call at (904) 826-4343 or schedule an appointment online with Dr. Kinsey today.