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dentist in st augustine

Signs Of A Cracked Tooth

Think you may have a cracked tooth? Here are some signs we typically see with a cracked tooth that could give you a little better idea of what you’re dealing with. [...]

How Can a Dentist Help with Chronic Headaches?

Headaches have many different causes: cold, flu, and stress, all of which can leave you with your head in your hands. Thankfully, most of these headaches go away on their own – but sometimes [...]

When Should I Replace My Dentures? 5 Signs to Watch Out For

In a perfect world, your dentures could have a lifespan of up to thirty years, sometimes a lifetime with proper care. However, due to wear and tear, most dentures last between 7 and 10 [...]

How much does it cost to fix a mouth full of teeth?

There are a lot of reasons why it’s preferable to have a full mouth of healthy teeth. Odds are since you’re here, you already know these, but some of the reasons for missing or [...]

How Much Do Dental Implants Cost In Palm Coast?

Let’s start with why you may need dental implants. There are always other options like dentures, and many people choose to go with them. The difference between dentures and implants is huge, though, and [...]

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