How to Overcome Dental Anxiety
One of the best ways to overcome any fear is to face it directly. Although that might seem extremely difficult, over time, your mind will realize that there’s nothing to be afraid of.
When you’re at the dentist, try to create as comfortable and relaxing of an atmosphere as possible. Bring a portable music player to calm you down and drown out frightening noises. If you’re afraid of gagging, you can use a throat spray to control your gag reflex.
Speaking to your dentist about your concerns can be helpful, too. Dentists know that many people have dental anxiety, and the two of you can come up with a plan for keeping you calm and comfortable.
At Palencia Dental, you can meet with a St. Augustine dentist who will listen to your concerns and do their best to keep you at ease. Call our office today at 904-826-4343 to book an appointment with a dentist in St. Augustine.