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Say No to Smoking If You Want Dental Implants

St. Augustine, FL

It’s been well-known for decades now: smoking is detrimental to your health. In addition to the threats to your overall health, smoking also can disqualify you from receiving a dental implant to replace your missing tooth. Read on as, today on the blog, we explore why you should stop smoking if you’re interested in dental implants.

Why is smoking a no-no for prospective implant patients?

The key component of a dental implant is the implant screw itself, a titanium post that is inserted into the jawbone. The placement of the implant is a surgical procedure; thus, good health and blood flow beforehand is important. And, depending on the placement of the implant, a healing period of as many as six months may be required before the implant procedure can be completed. Aside from the obvious risks of lung diseases and cancer, smoking also slows blood flow, restricts blood vessels, and impedes the vital healing process required for the successful outcome of an implant procedure.

Vaping and Dental Implants

Increasingly, people are turning from cigarettes to vaping. However, both vaping juice and cigarettes contain nicotine, which is the central agent causing your gums to not heal properly if there’s been an oral surgical procedure done. Vaping also can lead to burns on your gums, thicken skin cells or damage salivary glands – all potential complications for any dental treatment.

Smoking also weakens your immune system, which makes a patient more vulnerable to infection. This can cause dental implants to fail during the post-surgery healing process.

The Importance of Replacing Missing Teeth

Living with a lost permanent tooth can impact your ability to speak and eat, and also affect your appearance if the missing tooth is in an area visible to others when you talk or smile. Dental implants from an experienced implant dentist in Palm Coast can restore your smile, allow you to regain your ability to enjoy the foods you like most and also improve your self-esteem when interacting with others.

Stop Smoking Before Your Implant Procedure

Everyone has habits in life: both healthy and unhealthy. The unhealthy habits can be the toughest to break, at times. If you adhere to the professional recommendation to avoid smoking before receiving dental implants, then opt to resume smoking after the healing process is over and your implant procedure is complete, it can still lead to bone loss. If your jawbone deteriorates over the course of time, implant failure is still a possibility.

Dental Implant Expertise in St. Augustine and Palm Coast in Florida

Dr. Stephanie Kinsey is your trusted St. Augustine dentist with Palencia Dental. She recommends that you quit smoking, vaping, or using tobacco for a minimum of 2 to 3 months prior to endeavoring any oral surgical procedures. Dr. Kinsey and her dedicated team are eager to work with you by examining your overall oral health and your needs. If they recommend dental implants, we will provide you with compassionate care that is safe and anxiety-free throughout the journey to restore your smile. Give our St. Augustine office a call today at 904-826-4343 to schedule a consultation.