St. Augustine, FL
You go to the dentist for your regularly scheduled checkup and they utter those four little words that no patient wants to hear: You have a cavity. Sometimes, no matter how stringent you are about your oral care routine, you still get a cavity. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control estimates that 90% of American adults over the age of 20 have had at least one cavity in their life. Still, there are measures you can take to lower your risk of new areas of tooth decay. That’s why, today on the blog, your St. Augustine family dentist provided these 5 tips to have a cavity-free dental visit at your next appointment.
- Fine-Tune Your Brushing Routine: You’ve been brushing your teeth since they first popped out of your gum line and your parents or caregivers showed you how to operate a toothbrush. The American Dental Association suggests brushing twice a day with a soft-bristled brush at a 45-degree angle to the gums and using a fluoridated toothpaste; any product with the ADA seal of approval will suffice.
- More H2O, Please: Water is the best beverage choice you can make. In addition to being the optimum source of hydration, it is calorie free and sugar free. It also lacks the acids that are present in soft drinks and coffee that can wear away at your tooth enamel. We understand that you might need your caffeine. Try to finish your beverage within a 20-minute time frame to limit how long the acids and sugars are exposed to your teeth, or try sipping on some water in combination with your drink.
- The X Factor: That is X for xylitol, a natural sweetener that actually prevents the growth of bacteria in the mouth. Certain brands of gum contain xylitol. Just make sure, if you are a pet owner, that you keep your gum out of reach, as xylitol is highly toxic to dogs. You can also add the sweetener to your food, toothpaste and mouthwash.
- Don’t Forget to Floss: Flossing should be part of your daily routine of oral care. No toothbrush can reach the small crevices and spaces between your teeth. If you do not floss, the bacteria and plaque that lead to cavities are left to proliferate, along with any food particles that get stuck between your teeth.
- Say Farewell to Tobacco: Tobacco is bad for you in any form. Smoking cigarettes or cigars can stain your teeth, and increase your susceptibility to tooth decay and gum disease. Smoking or using chewing tobacco both elevate your risk of oral cancer. And while many people choose to use vape products as an alternative to smoking, these devices can lead to gum disease, the development of oral infections or can cause painful burns in the mouth if the vape becomes too hot.
Comprehensive Dental Care in St. Augustine and Palm Coast in Florida
At Palencia Dental, we want you to experience the accomplishment and peace of mind that come with a cavity-free dental visit. If you need help navigating any aspect of the guide listed above, our team of oral health professionals is here to help. Dr. Stephanie Kinsey currently is accepting new patients. To learn more about any of our services, schedule a consultation by calling 904-826-4343 or completing our online contact form.