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Could Sleep Apnea be the Cause of Frequent Headaches

St. Augustine, FL

We all get a headache from time to time, but if you experience daily headaches, you know this painful malady can disrupt your routine, and make it difficult for you to focus and accomplish your regular tasks. What you may not know, though, is that sleep apnea may be the cause of daily headaches. We explore this topic today on the blog.

What is sleep apnea?

Obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, is a condition where breathing becomes difficult or stops altogether while a person sleeps. When an airway obstruction occurs, oxygen levels in the body drop until the brain sends signals to the body to resume normal breathing. Even though it’s rare for a sleep apnea patient to wake consciously, each of these blockages, known as an “apneic event”, leads to unrestful sleep, as these airway obstructions may occur hundreds of times a night for a patient with severe, untreated sleep apnea.

Common Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

Loud snoring is the most prevalent symptom of sleep apnea. If your partner often complains about your snoring or is nudging you awake throughout the night, you may have sleep apnea.

Other sleep apnea symptoms include:

  • Intense morning headaches
  • Excessive sleepiness, which may include trouble staying awake while driving
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Lowered work performance

While complaints of loud snoring are the most common, a sleep apnea patient also may gasp for air while asleep or make choking sounds followed by silence. If your partner mentions any of these issues to you, contact Palencia Dental today to schedule a sleep apnea screening.

How Sleep Apnea Causes Headaches

If your brain does not receive enough oxygen during your sleep, it can dry out the brain, leading to cerebral vasodilation, which then causes daily headaches. Although sleep apnea generally only disrupts breathing for a few seconds, some apneic events last longer. And, after just one minute of no oxygen, brain cells begin to die. The dentists and airway specialists at Palencia Dental pay very careful attention to their sleep apnea clients because of this, so if you are having frequent headaches and drowsiness throughout your day, contact Palencia Dental as soon as possible.

Other Sleep Apnea Health Risks

Persistent sleep apnea can deprive your brain of enough oxygen, potentially leading to permanent brain injury. Living with untreated sleep apnea also puts you at higher risk for hypertension, high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes. Sleep apnea can also affect your mood and social life, potentially leading to unexplainable mood swings, depression and even sexual dysfunction.

How does a dentist treat sleep apnea?

Palencia Dental specializes in sleep apnea dentistry, which focuses on airway management. We treat sleep apnea by addressing the root cause: whatever is obstructing your airway. We offer the WatchPAT home sleep testing device. The data from this sleep test gets sent to a qualified physician to make a sleep apnea diagnosis. Once you’ve been diagnosed with the sleep breathing disorder, you can return to Palencia Dental to discuss various treatment plans.

Our recommended method of treatment is oral appliance therapy, a popular alternative to using a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine. Our oral appliances for sleep apnea are custom-made to fit comfortably in your mouth. When worn, these devices slightly shift the lower jaw into alignment, preventing soft tissue from blocking the airway. Oral appliances are generally described by patients as more comfortable and convenient, and they don’t make any noise.

Palencia Dental also offers positional therapy and, in very rare cases, corrective surgery. Weight loss also can address sleep apnea, as it reduces fatty tissue surrounding the airway. Our sleep apnea dentists in St. Augustine can help determine the right treatment plan for you.

Sleep Apnea Treatment in St. Augustine and Palm Coast in Florida

Although sleep apnea is very common, not many people realize they have it. If you have frequent headaches and have yet to find relief, you owe it yourself to schedule a sleep apnea screening to determine if that is the true cause of your headaches. Contact the providers at Palencia Dental today at 904-826-4343 to schedule a consultation or appointment.