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BlogGum Disease

Can gum disease be reversed?

St. Augustine, FL

Are you living with gum disease? If so, you are not alone. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that half of American adults that are over the age of 30 years old suffer from gum disease, which occurs due to a bacterial infection of the gums. Gum disease is a serious medical condition. It can’t be treated or resolved on your own; you must seek the care of a qualified and experienced dentist. Even with professional treatment, you may wonder if the effects of gum disease can be reversed. We explore that topic today on the blog.

The Stages of Gum Disease

There are two stages of gum disease. The initial stage, gingivitis, is symptomized by gums that are inflamed, puffy, sore or bleed easily when you brush and floss. Without treatment, gum disease progresses to periodontitis. By this time, irreversible damage has been done to your gums, connective tissues and even the bone structure. When periodontitis develops, pockets filled with infected bacteria form at the base of your teeth adjacent to the gum line. These pockets grow and the bacteria can spread to create new pockets.

The Effects of Gum Disease

Gum disease is a serious bacterial infection that, without treatment, can cause a host of complications.

These issues may include an elevated risk of the following chronic ailments:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart Disease
  • Stroke
  • Autoimmune Disorders
  • Dementia
  • Certain Forms of Cancer
  • Gum disease also can create issues during pregnancy. The effects of gum disease become more significant the longer it goes without treatment.

Reversing Gum Disease

With prompt diagnosis and treatment, the effects of gingivitis can be reversed. Sometimes, this can be accomplished through a combination of professional dental cleanings and a thorough routine of oral hygiene at home that includes brushing twice per day, flossing daily and using an oral rinse. You can also counter the effects of gingivitis by eating a balanced, nutrient-rich diet, drinking plenty of water and avoiding tobacco and alcohol.

Treatment of Gum Disease

The progression to periodontitis means that the effects of gum disease can never be reversed but treatment can avoid further damage. At Palencia Dental, our program of periodontal therapy includes more frequent dental visits, which may include a deep cleaning, cleaning out the pockets of infected material that form during periodontitis. Also known as a root scaling and planing, a dental deep cleaning completely removes any deposits of bacteria or infected material from the roots of your teeth, then smooths the tooth roots to make it more difficult for bacteria and plaque to adhere to them in the future.

Gum Disease in St. Augustine and Palm Coast in Florida

If you have gum disease, just ignoring it is the worst decision you can make. You need to be seen and treated by a qualified dentist who has experience in periodontal treatment. Dr. Stephanie Kinsey has the expertise you want when it comes to treating gum disease. If you’ve been diagnosed with gum disease or you’re experiencing symptoms of this infection, schedule your consultation at Palencia Dental. Just call our office today at 904-826-4343 or visit us online.